1. Kaufland Romania S.C.S. (2.313 million euros)
2. Lidl Discount S.R.L. (1.759 million euros)
3. Carrefour Romania Group (1.545 million euros)
4. Mega Image S.R.L. (1.189 million euros)
5. Profi Rome Food S.R.L. (1.121 million euros) The LOOQME team investigated the media activities of companies in Romanian online media in 2022.
The ratio of the price of the company to the activity of the media
On the graph you can seethe dependence of the number of mentions of the company in the online media on the value of the company itself. Kaufland has the highest value and most publications for March 2022. The cost of Mega Image and Profi is about twice as much as Kaufland. At the same time, the number of publications with mentions of the most expensive company is three times the number of mentions of Mega Image and almost 2.5 times - about the Profi brand.
Lidl and Carrefour are side by side on the graph of the value of companies and the number of mentions: Lidl is valued more expensive, at the same time Carrefour has a higher number of mentions. However, the difference is not so striking that we can talk about breaking the pattern “higher value of the company - more brand mentions”. The same story repeats itself with Mega Image and Profi.

In Carrefour, whose cost is somewhat less than Lidl, the percentage of SoV (Share of vote— share of the vote) is 24.85%, which is one percent higher than Lidl.
If you look at the dynamics of mentions, during March, the activity of Carrefour increased by 7.75%, and Lidl did not undergo any tangible changes. So Carrefour managed to take the second position in this ranking during the month.If comparing Lidl and Carrefour we are saying that the last burst forward due to increased activity, then speaking of the following companies close in rating, we note a decrease in the number of mentions. Retailer Profi, the cost of which is lower than the price of Mega Image, took the penultimate place by the number of publications during March,because the activity level of mentions of it fell less (-1.76%) than the level of Mega Image (-11.54%).

The publication dynamics graph illustrates not only the activity of mentions, but also the importance of monitoring them. Here it is valuable to track not only mentions of your brand, but also how they talk about competitors. After all, even without deep analysis, it can be seen thatthe structure of waves of company mentions is often very similar. This may indicate that top competitor companies are often mentioned in the same material. It is important to keep track of such references to understand what your advantages and disadvantages highlight and in what position you are in in the eyes of consumers relative to other companies.
The dynamics show that waves Mentions of companiesKaufland and Lidl sometimes look particularly contrasting.The number of mentions goes up and down alternately at both retailers. This is noticeable during March 8-9 and March 22-25. Interestingly, both Lidl and Kaufland are part of the German company Schwarz Group.

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Media Submission
Of course, the most useful for the company are the materials in which it plays a major role, and is not mentioned next to competitors. However, what is also important is the light in which the brand is shown.
The graphs show that Kaufland has the best structure in terms of significance. The company has a high level of materials with the main role (42.6%) and a relatively good level of secondary participation. However, if you look at the results of the mention sentiment study, Kaufland and a fairly high level of negativity (27.3%). At the same time, the positive rate is 19.47% (the average positive rate among the five retailers is 19.2%).
Profi has a similar story. With the most publications in the lead role in its own publication structure (43.26%) this retailerreceived the most negativity — 31.86% of their own number of mentions. However, unlike Kaufland, Profi has the lowest number of positives — 13.73%. As we remember, within a month the number of mentions of Profi in the online media decreased. It can be assumed that the company's initiative to create publications to maintain brand loyalty has decreased. Accordingly, the event waves of negativity could become stronger than work consciously aimed at improving the image.
The only company that has a higher rate of positive mentions than negative ones is Carrefour. Although the gap between the indicators is insignificant: 23.01% positive and 21.25% negative.

We also compiled a list of media that published the largest number of materials with neutral, positive and negative mentions of the brand.These lists follow a certain pattern.
For example, the publication revista-piata.rohas the highest number of positive publications and is second in the ranking of neutral mentions. At the same time, revista-piata.ro is not in the list of media that wrote negative at all.
Editionscapital.roranks first among publications that published negative, and got into the eight with neutral materials - capital.ro did not enter the ranking of media with positive mentions. But online media santateabuzoiana.rowas able to get third place in all three ratings.

Largest Food Retailers in Romaniamost often mentioned in news articles. This result is explained by the audience of companies — these are mass consumers who are interested in the obvious thing — products, their price, quality, availability. This topic belongs to the social issues of the news direction.

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The most popular materials
Top 5 Positive Infodrivers
1. (P) Kaufland Romania announces a new measure of support for refugees
(Kaufland Romania announces new solution to support refugees) Keyword: Kaufland, edition: stirileprotv.ro
2. Carrefour Romania donates more than 270 tons of products to the Red Cross and FARA Foundation for Ukrainian refugees
(Carrefour Romania transfers more than 270 tons of products to the Red Cross and FARA Fund for Ukrainian refugees) Keyword: Carrefour, edition: agerpres.ro
3. Lidl has jobs available for Ukrainian refugees
(Lidl has jobs for Ukrainian refugees) Keyword: Lidl, edition: retail.ro
4. Refugee support: Lidl and the Food Bank organize a collection of products in stores
(Refugee support: Lidl and Food Bank organize the collection of products in stores) Keyword: Lidl, edition: retail.ro
(Hi Chef, season 3, episode 4. Recipe for ravioli with cheese sauce from chef Roxana Blanche. Ingredients and preparation) Keyword: Kaufland, edition: astazi.roHence, four of the five most popular information drives are related to the help of companies to immigrants from Ukraine. The last place in the top 5 is occupied by the release of a TV program with a partner mention of the retailer.
Top 5 negative information drivers
1. Kaufland Withdraws Bio Avocado from the Market for Exceeding the Pesticide Limit(Kaufland has withdrawn the Bio Avocado product from the market due to exceeding the pesticide limit) Keyword: Kaufland, edition: businessmagazin.ro
2. Beware of Women's Day promotional traps: Latest fraud scheme misuses Lidl visual identity
(Beware of advertising traps for Women's Day: the latest fraudulent scheme is the misuse of Lidl's visual identity) Keyword: Lidl, edition: botosaneanul.ro
(A batch of avocados has been withdrawn from sale by a large chain of stores due to its high pesticide content. Days when the product was on sale) Keyword: Kaufland, edition: ziare.com
4. Bananas and ice cream with pesticides, withdrawn from several stores in Bihor
(Pesticide bananas and ice cream withdrawn from several Bihar stores) Keyword: Carrefour, edition: tion.ro
5. Bananas and ice cream with pesticides, withdrawn from several stores in Bihor
(Pesticide bananas and ice cream withdrawn from several Bihar stores) Keyword: Kaufland, edition: tion.ro
Hence, the biggest wave of negativity was raised by information about various kinds of consumer deception: poor-quality products or fraud. The material Banane and ice cream cu pesticide, retrase din several stores din Bihor is removed from the online edition, although in other media this news remains.
Visibility in the media
It is possible to hypothesize that Among the five largest retailers, Lidl is the most popular. Although this company is not the most expensive, and mentions of it are not the largest, but it is Lidlhas the highest MV index (Media Visibility — Visibility in the media). Therefore, it causes the greatest interest of the audience and has a special impact on the market.
It does not consist in the amount of finances, but in the value of the company's statements to the consumer. This has advantages for Lidl: people will actively react to the company's actions, brand awareness will be kept high, even if the number of mentions decreases. HoweverWith this special attention you should be careful. In such a situation, tracking the negative and predicting the development of the crisis are critical. With such high visibility in the media and the quality of publications, the brand is threatened by a particularly powerful wave of negativity in case of deviation from the values of the company, which it broadcasts publicly and which hold the attention of the audience.