Narrative and Trend Analytics for Your Brand

Gain Insights from Brand Mentions

How to Use Brand Lab

Brand Lab is a text and narrative analytics tool for brand mentions. Data science allows you to explore the information landscape, identify trends in large data sets, and gain insights about your brand.

Discover Brand Topics and Narratives

Analyze publications to see how they discuss your brand and the topics the audience associates with it.

Differentiate and Position Your Brand

Identify relevant words for your brand, compare them with competitors, and make a difference.

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Understand Brand Perception

Gain a precise understanding of the context of discussions—identify narratives that mention your brand.

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Identify Trends

Discover the trending words and build strategies accordingly.

Brand Lab Benefits:

PR Specialists


CMO, Head of PR


Business Owners

Top Managers

Order a Report

What is Inside the Report?

The Brand Lab report examines text datasets mentioning your brand. We collect data about your brand using machine-learning models. Here are some of the insights provided:

Trending Words

Select a topic, and our unique ML models will identify popular words associated with it. If the context of mentions is consistent (i.e., the words are the same), this will be visually represented.

Thematic Clusters of Mentions

Topics related to your brand are determined by the LDA model, which automatically groups frequently co-occurring phrases.

Word Cloud

Displays words mentioned most frequently in the texts.

Mention Environment

 Allows you to assess the context of mentions for a selected topic, showing which words are most frequently and closely associated with it.

Text Entities

Shows the most frequently mentioned names in the texts (locations, organizations, names).

Gain Insights from Brand Mentions

report sample
report sample

Report Sample


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