We analyzed the comments under the most popular videos with politicians on YouTube channel 24. Videos on the channel of the President's Office are closed for comment, and the last video on the channel of the Nikolaev regional state administration was released in December.
Audience demographics
In general, under the videos of Zelensky, Arestovich and Kim, most of the comments were left by men. However, the gap with the number of responses from women is small: 54.8 and 45.2%, respectively, that is, less than ten percent.If we consider in more detail, Volodymyr Zelensky collected the largest number of female audience - 47.3%. Vitaly Kim's number of commentators was 44.6%, Alexei Arestovich had 42.1%.

Total metrics for three videos
What you need to know about reputation management on the Internet
Demographics and tonality
If we pay attention to the distribution of tonalities of comments by demographics, then we can say that women are more loyal to the heroes of the study. Of the negative comments, 920 (64.1%) belong to men and almost twice as many — 516 (35.9%) — to women.The difference between the number of positive comments is somewhat smaller: 1163 (59.5%) were left by women and 791 (40.5%) were left by men.
Volodymyr Zelenskyy
(Video “Zelensky's Night Appeal for March 11-12", 783.3 thousand views)

Oleksii Arestovych
(video “Conflict can last for weeks,
but the active phase will gradually subside”, 989,3 thousand views)

Vitaliy Kim
(video “Vitaly Kim is the coolest governor in Ukraine”, 940.1 thousand views)

Comparing the comments under the videos of political leaders, one can immediately see the predominance of positive feedback from Vitaly Kim - he is the only one in whom both men and women left more positive comments than negative ones. Moreover, the biggest gap in tonality is noticeable here: women left more than five times more positive comments than negative.Under the video of Vladimir Zelensky and Alexei Arestovich, women also wrote more positive reviews, but men spoke more critically - they were the authors of mostly negative comments.The largest the share of all videos belongs to reviews with a neutral tone.
Tonal index and its importance for media analytics
Tonal geography
In total, the three videos were most often commented by people from the territory of Ukraine — a total of 11,307 reviews. In second place is Russia with 970 comments. Also, the most active commentators were users from the USA, Germany, Australia, Kazakhstan, Spain, Belarus.If we analyze the share of negative reviews by countries, then the Russians wrote the most negative (as unexpected). Among the comments from the territory of Russia, 64.7% have a negative shade. But the least amount of hype and criticism of the policy was received from Ukrainians - 12.69% among Ukrainian comments. Interestingly, among 17 positive reviews of Russians, which made up only 2.58% of Russian comments, the most popular statement was written... in Belarusian. Comment “Advagi, brave brothers are not your fault! Let's climb the calendar! Glory to Ukraine! Long live Belarus!” has 414 likes.

In the end, we leave you the most popular positive comments under the video of Ukrainian political leaders (the number of likes is indicated on the right).
Volodymyr Zelenskyy

Oleksii Arestovych

Vitaliy Kim