From Email to PR: Five Strategies for Brand Development

Business owners aspire for their brand to be both recognized and cherished. To accomplish this, it is necessary to use the right strategies and various marketing and communication tools for development and scaling. Below, we explore effective strategies for enhancing brand recognition, building loyalty, and expanding your audience.

Previously, we covered the importance of a business marketing strategy and the steps required to develop one. This time, we will look at popular strategies companies use to scale their brand, enhance visibility, and attract new customers.

A LOOQME guide to creating an effective marketing strategy

Email Marketing Strategy

Despite marketers' internal jokes about the “death of email,” statistics show that over 4billion users worldwide continue to use email. It makes email marketing one of the most effective marketing approaches. It helps convey the brand value and maintain customer interest between purchases.

An email marketing strategy primarily focuses on personalizing emails and segmenting contact lists. These approaches allow you to tailor messages to different audience groups, create relevant offers, and present the brand with a human touch.

This strategy also includes conducting A/B testing of email campaigns and individual messages, automating campaigns, and engaging in meaningful dialogue with customers. Always remember that behind every email and message are real people seeking valuable information and not a deluge of spam.

Social Media Promotion Strategy

With 4.95 billion social media users worldwide, it is indispensable to have a brand development strategy.

A social media promotion strategy outlines the goals of the brand presence on social platforms, the tactics to achieve these goals, and the metrics for tracking and measuring progress. It helps align the company's social media activities with its main marketing objectives.

Each public page of the company on different social media should consider:

  • Goals specific to each platform
  • Communication features and formats
  • Platform-appropriate tone-of-voice
  • Visuals that align with both the platform and the company’s brand     guidelines
  • Tools and report formats for evaluating results
  • Roles and responsibilities of brand team members
social media metrics which could be used as KPIs

Timely monitoring is an essential component of this strategy. It helps build a strategy for customer interaction, analyze their feedback, and understand behavior trends. It involves assessing the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, content and creative trends, and competitor analysis. Social media monitoring enables quick responses to positive and negative mentions of the brand, helping to anticipate potential crises. This, in turn, affects the overall reputation of the brand online.

Social media monitoring guide: targets and objectives

Content Marketing Strategy

A content strategy is necessary for promoting companies and establishing communication with users. Content creation can be a central focus in marketing strategies, as high-quality articles in industry media, blog posts, videos, podcasts, and other valuable materials effectively and subtly attract and engage people’s attention.

A strong content marketing strategy takes into account the user profile, business cases, brand positioning, action plan, and value proposition. The result of an effective and well-thought-out strategy is increased visibility in search engines and social networks, as well as growing customer trust.

SEO Strategy

An SEO strategy is a brand's holistic approach to boosting organic traffic and enhancing search engine rankings. It focuses on how the brand appears online, helping you manage which search queries bring up your brand, what content shows up at different points in the customer journey, and how you stack up against competitors.

The main components of an SEO strategy include:

  • Targeting keywords used in search engines
  • Working with and optimizing metadata
  • Technical optimization of the company website according to search     engine requirements
  • Setting up backlinks and internal linking
  • Managing content on the company website and in external sources

When creating an effective strategy, it is necessary to focus on real people who make up the business’s customer base and content that provides value to them.

preparation and implementation stages of SEO stages

PR Strategy

A PR strategy aims to enhance company visibility and build reputation.

This strategy includes communication with the media, preparing press releases, organizing press conferences, initiating media publications and interviews, and preparing public speakers, among other activities. These efforts help create a positive reputation and inform the public about the company’s products. Additionally, PR strategies often involve promoting the personal brands of the company's owners or founders.

A key aspect of a PR strategy is the collection and analysis of media mentions to assess the effectiveness of past campaigns, select media outlets for placements, and plan future messaging and brand interactions. Media monitoring helps track positive and negative mentions and potential crises and evaluate the effectiveness of the team’s efforts by providing results in metrics and figures.

There are over 50 types of marketing strategies focused on business development and growth tailored to a company’s goals, budgets, and market opportunities. Still, it is essential to remember the fundamental marketing strategies that have proven effective across various types and directions of businesses.

Choosing an effective strategy depends on how well it aligns with marketing goals and ensures their achievement. Each approach is also flexible and adaptable to external changes and new trends.

PESO Model

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