March 21, 2022
How to build an effective strategy for tracking brand mentions
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When starting tracking brand mentions, questions that arise are: what to track? how to structure information? what to do with it afterwards? The first two are solved by using special services. Such as Looqme Hub that itself collects and structures all brand mentions in one platform.Mentions are a huge package of information, especially for large companies. Although various services provide it in a structured way, it is still a raw material for work. And to make its processing non-chaotic and results oriented, it is important to have a defined scheme of data processing. We are glad to offer an example of such an algorithm.
1. Collect and analyze data
To create an effective strategy for tracking brand mentions, you should evaluate the "ground" you build your brand on — that is, the market. Market research provides insights for bringing or strengthening a brand in industry leaders, launching new products and go to market strategy. Thus you learn more not only about the current position of your brand, market leaders and competitors' communication work, but also which websites have the greatest impact on companies reputation in your industry.
2. Set and prioritize goals
By collecting and analyzing market data, we get a starting point A. Market and competitors research allows to differentiate from other brands in order to strengthen own communication gaps and accent winning segments.Highlight vectors of work, desired results and time period you want to reach them. These will be your points B. When defining goals prioritize them.However, keep in mind basic metrics for your company that are to be put on a separate list. Such as the tone of brand mentions.
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3. Achieving goals processes plan
We have point A, which characterizes the brand mentions current status, and point B, which displays the desired picture of mentions over some period of time. What is needed to achieve the described result? Write a step by step plan as detailed as possible: what resources should be used? what do you already have experience in and what is new? will your team cope with set tasks or do you need to involve third-party specialists? what innovation can be embodied to achieve goals? what budgets are needed and what are available? how can I optimize my work?
4. Plans implementing and changes monitoring
Moving from point A to point B without processes monitoring along the way is like going blindfolded. It is too easy to get lost and too difficult to get a desired result when not looking at the road map. Therefore, continuous monitoring is a navigator. Take a step — track the result — compare the direction — take the next step.Monitoring can be divided into three time levels: instant, background and planning.
Let's see on LOOQME products examples.Instant monitoring — get information about mentions as quickly as possible for quick response (preferably by alerts).LOOQME Hub is a great tool for tracking mentions. The "newsfeed" section promptly displays brand mentions in social networks and all types of media. You can customize alerts and track the mentions tone for a quick response to a crisis.
Background monitoring — monitoring as a lifestyle. In addition to daily reviews, it is important to compare changes over time.LOOQME Hub is a classic example of such monitoring. In addition to tracking mentions and using filters, the Hub allows you to get dynamic analytics.Planning monitoring — deep researches. Their results are needed to change growth vectors and set new goals. Accordingly, if instant and background monitoring are ongoing processes, then planning one is not a daily job.
Industry Watcher (market benchmarks, a branch and competitors analysis) gives an overall market situation. R-index (brand health reputation index) demonstrates the impact of communications on business results.During such measurements it is important to look at processes dynamics rather than work with data as with static indicators. Deep researches should be held quarterly or at least semiannually.5. Set new goalsHaving achieved the desired goals when working with a brand, optimally is to return to the first point of data collecting and analyzing and set new tasks. After all, a brand is a process, not a result.